About Us

picture of roosevelt school

Roosevelt Elementary School is a community where we take responsibility for our learning, show respect for ourselves and others and promote a positive and safe learning environment. 

At Roosevelt we believe EACH child is special in his or her own way.  Children benefit from positive role models and the staff set high learning expectations for all students.  Our staff offer leadership, which allows these expectations to be achieved in a supportive and caring environment. We want our students at Roosevelt to have a desire to learn and to feel successful!  A vital part of a successful student is active parent involvement and at Roosevelt we welcome parents to volunteer, participate in school events, and be a part of our school's Parent/Teacher Organization!  

Vision Statement

Roosevelt School exists to educate every child for today and the future in a safe environment.

At Roosevelt we believe each student is:

  • Special in his/her own way
  • Benefits from positive role models
  • Wants to feel safe, be respected and have a sense of belonging
  • Desires to learn and feel successful

Ways to help your child succeed in school

  • Ask your child about his or her day at school.
  • Ask to see your child’s homework each night.

  • Provide an appropriate place and time to do homework.

  • Check to see if your child did quality work.

  • Assist your child, yet encourage them to do their work independently.

  • Help your child organize materials for the next day.

  • Make sure your child is well rested and arrives to school on time.


Home and School Communication

Open communication between home and school is critical to your child’s success. We will try to keep you informed by monthly newsletters, classroom weekly peeks, conferences, report cards and open houses. Monthly newsletters are sent from the office with the OLDEST and ONLY child in each family (in an effort to conserve paper) and are also available on the school’s website. Classroom teachers send weekly/monthly peeks to communicate important information from the classroom.

We hope you will keep us informed as well. It is very important for you to communicate important information with us such as change of address, telephone numbers, place of employment and emergency contacts.


Building the habit of daily attendance helps your child see that school is important. The only excused absences from school are for student illness, medical appointments that cannot be scheduled outside the school day or serious illness/death in the family. When your child is absent from school, please remember to call the health office by no later than 8:30 a.m. at 333-6701.

Messages can be left at this number any time of the day or night. To insure that our students are safe, staff will be contacting families at home or work when we do not receive a call. When returning after an absence, students must bring a note indicating the nature of the absence.

Our teachers

  • Set high learning expectations for all students.
  • Offer leadership which allows these expectations to be achieved in a supportive, caring environment.
  • Place a high priority on spending the most time possible on facilitating learning while utilizing a relevant and continuous curriculum.
  • Actively encourage parent and community involvement and support.
fps catchphrase